When I first started photography, I used to work in the music field, shooting mostly live pics and also a few staged pics for promo.
Then I took up photography as a career and my interest in music photography, as I used to practice it, wore out.

These days, though, working mostly on pro assignements, I feel a bit limited in what I can experiment with. My clients expect consistency and absolutely no mad bout of creative frenzy.
The Road Crew is hence a playground, an outlet, a way to try things I wouldn’t otherwise.
In that spirit, I don’t feel compelled to take assignments from bands or labels. Yet, if you have an interesting project you’d like me to collaborate on, feel free to get in touch.

Last but no least: I don’t watermark my pics — my ego is not that big, and it looks ugly anyway. That doesn’t mean said pics are free to use, though.
If you’re a band, we most likely discussed it beforehand.
If you’re press/label/webzine/promoter, don’t be an ass about it and get in touch.